Isn't starting a process a very slow operation in Win32? Since it's not
recommended to start threads or even to use too many thread in a high
performance program, starting extra processes should be very bad? I haven't
tested this with xmail since I have a very low volume server but it should
be noticeable for bigger servers. Maybe it would be better to support dll
that is always loaded for advanced filters that need to process all mails?

Also I had a lot of trouble today with filters, until I realized that they
fail if they print to standard output. I just wanted a simple filter to make
a copy of every mail to another directory so I wrote a .bat file to do that,
but the copy command wrote a line to stdout and then nothing worked. That's
a nuisance. Couldn't xmail start the .bat file with write access to its own
console? It would be nice to see the messages when running xmail in debug
mode too.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Davide Libenzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "XMail mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 7:22 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: filtering outgoing mails

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Paul Sobey wrote:
> Write a 10Kb binary C program that read the very first line of the message
> and eventually invokes Perl.

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