
I have two entries in pop3links.tab:
"koeln.convey.de" "gerrit" "mail3.netbeat.de" "gerrit%familiehaase.de" "xxx" "CLR"
"koeln.convey.de" "gerrit" "mail3.netbeat.de" "freeweb%nyckelpiga.de" "xxx" "CLR"

And the default is to fetch all the mail every 120 seconds.
Now I havn't got mail for one of these accounts (the first in the list)
about several hours, lets look whats up there:

$ telnet mail3.netbeat.de 110
Connected to mail3.netbeat.de.
Escape character is '^]'.
user gerrit%familiehaase.de
pass xxxxxxxxx
1 2613
56 164258
57 5874
58 3641
59 3386
60 3962
61 3896033
62 3919625
74 5049

Wow, how much mail!  Why is XMail not fetching it?
I have also s.th. like this in server.tab:
"MaxMessageSize"        "52428800"
but IIRC this is for sending mail...

And in my user.tab there is: "MaxMBSize"        "100000"

BTW, these values are in KB, aren't they?

I saw this several times now, but I have no idea.


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