Hallo Davide,

Am 2002-04-10 um 23:44 schriebst du:

> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

>> I had some problems with smtpgw.tab and dnscache stuff.
>> A message was blocked because I'm sitting behind a dial-up
>> connection at home.  Now I used a smtpgw.tab entry to
>> override the dns entries for this domain, but the message
>> still bounced because the dnscache entries were still
>> there (I restarted Xmail several times).
>> Then I removed the dnscache files for this domain and
>> it works as expected, the gateway was used.
>> I think the smtpgw.tab entries should override the dnscache
>> settings (I guess this is already the way it goes), but
>> it doesn't work for me, even if I restart Xmail several
>> times.

> it overrides MXs even if i do not suggest you to use smtpgw.tab because
> not every SMTP server support explicit routing. just use smtpfwd.tab
> instead

Well, smtprelay.t-online.de is a special relay server for t-online users,
and I see it works using it as gateway for all the servers where my mails
are bouncing because I'm on a 'DUL' list (e.g. users.sourceforge.net).

>> That leads to another question, is the dnscache refreshed?
>> How often?  Shouldn't it be cleaned from old entries, at
>> least if stopping and restarting Xmail?

> dnscache entries has the TTL returned by the dns server and this is used
> to expire them

Ah yes, I see.


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