Davide Libenzi writes:
 > On Sat, 4 May 2002, F. G. Marx wrote:
 > >
 > > Hi:
 > >     I'd like to report initial success installing my first mail-server,
 > > XMail for a small website.  Lots of fun working with XMail.  Thank
 > > you for your work on it.
 > >
 > >     I have an initial problem, and an overview question.
 > >
 > >     The problem:
 > >
 > >    I cannot get a Return-Path: of other than <> in normal mails.
 > >    Error messages, e.g., for unable-to-deliver's, sent by xmail
 > >    to postmaster, however, are correct.  All normal mails all look
 > >    like this:
 > >
 > >        Return-Path: <>
 > >        Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > >        Received: from starf.dyndns.org []
 > >
 > >    So, no matter where I send from (and I have xmail setup on two
 > >    servers, one with a permanent, and the other with a dynamic, ip
 > >    address), I'm always getting ``Return-Path: <>''
 > you're using an empty "MAIL FROM:<>" or, if you're using XMail's sendmail,
 > you're not specifying the -fFROM_ADDRESS option.

That was it!  Return-Path: <> turns out to have been a problem with the 
mutt interacting with xmail's sendmail.  I've solved the problem by switching
from the xmail's sendmail to ssmtp.

    The problem more specifically is way mutt calls sendmail
    (with the ``envelop_from'' option set) (strace output):

333 execve("/usr/lib/sendmail",
           ["sendmail", "-f", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
           "--", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"], [/* 52 vars */]) = 0

    Yielding the failed mail:

        >   From pop.py  Mon May  6 20:50:42 2002
        >   Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        >   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        >   Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 20:25:10 -0400
        >   X-MessageId: <1020731109918.10251.starf.dyndns.org>
        >   X-SmtpMessageId: <LA3>
        >   From: starf.dyndns.org PostMaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        >   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        >   Subject: Error sending message [1020731109918.10251.starf.dyndns.org] from 
        >   X-MailerServer: XMail 1.7 (Linux/Ix86)
        >   X-MailerError: Message = [1020731109918.10251.starf.dyndns.org] Server = 
        >   Status: RO
        >   Content-Length: 845
        >   Lines: 33

        >   [<01>] Error sending message [1020731109918.10251.starf.dyndns.org] from 

        >   ID:        <LA3>
        >   Mail From: <>
        >   Rcpt To:   <-->

        >   [<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

        >   Bad email address

        >   [<04>] Here is listed the message log file:

        >   [PeekTime] 1020731109 : Mon, 06 May 2002 20:25:09 -0400

        >   [<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

        >   Received: from /spool/local
        >       by starf.dyndns.org with [XMail 1.7 (Linux/Ix86) LMAIL Server]
        >       for <--> from <>;
        >       Mon, 06 May 2002 20:25:09 -0400
        >   Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 20:25:08 -0400
        >   From: "F. G. Marx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        >   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        >   Subject: testing 1 2 3

The problem is hypothesized to lie here (from SendMail.cpp::main()):

    for (ii = 1; ii < iArgCount; ii++) {
        if (pszArgs[ii][0] != '-')

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" works.  "-f", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" doesn't.

A simple solution of course would be to
add another variable for ``last-option seen was -f''; then, if true, we would
take a non-``-''-prefixed argument for our Return-Path: <> processing.
Or, to use gnu getopt().

 > >
 > >     The overview question:
 > >
 > >            I have an account on dyndns.org for my dynamic-ip setup.  What
 > >    exactly is going on with the server.tab configuration variable
 > >    [DynDnsSetup]?  Dynamic MX records ... ?
 > if, its purpose is to setup dns entries for your domain correctly.

After doing a little investigating, the ``DynDnsSetup'' string:

    "DynDnsSetup"       "members.dyndns.org,80,/nic/dyndns?action=edit\

seems to be just the string for "updating" members current ip number.
Nothing fancy at all.  Is that right?

I update as part of my login script.  What would be the advantage of having
the mail-server do it?

Thank you again for a simple, powerful, secure, free mail-server.  It's been
a joy to learn mail-serving with.

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