Hello Frederik,

Monday, October 28, 2002 you wrote:
LT > This used to be a sendmail feature

   Not just sendmail and often other characters can be used instead of
   the "%" sign.  You would be an open relay if user%users-domain
   received the message.

   Often the open relay tests will attempt to send this kind of
   message through one of you secondary MX servers.  The idea is that
   the secondary will receive the message because it is a backup for
   "mydomain.be" in this case.  Then it will forward the message on to
   mydomain.be which will parse the message and attempt relay or local
   delivery to "user%users-domain".  The more legitimate use is for
   local delivery to another user at the same or another local domain.
    So in that way it is a useful feature.

   Usually this will not relay (that is to outside domains) unless the
   primary is allowing relay from the secondary. But sometimes if each
   server is set to provide backup for the other they each will be set
   to allow relaying for the other or if they are in the same network
   then relaying is often permitted. So in those cases the test
   succeeds and the server is declared an open relay.

Terry Fritts
Smart Business Solutions, Inc.

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