Hello Frederik,

Monday, October 28, 2002 you wrote:
FG> So basically ordb.org is checking for 'built-in' rfc features?

    Yes, I believe that is true.

    I made it sound like this is just a testing issue in my earlier
    message but I see 2 or 3 attempts per week by real spammers to
    exploit this.

FG> How can xmail be altered to prohibit this functionality?

    Actually I do filter on the "%" sign in the RCPT TO of the
    envelope but you don't need to do that really.

    All you need to do is set your server for no mail relay and make
    certain that if you do have IP's allowed to relay that they are
    not backup servers.

FG>  With this test all MTA would be seen as 'open relay'.
FG>  Am I right?

    I think I misled you. There really is no danger if you insure your
    sever is not an open relay.

Terry Fritts
Smart Business Solutions, Inc.

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