I'm not sure actually if JNI is what you want.  Basically it lets you call C 
functions (ie from a dll if you are using windows) from Java.

The idea of telneting in, ie. in java I guess using a Stream is a way you can 
talk to the SMTP/POP processes of XMail for one.

To call the current XMail Admin command line tool you could do that with shell 
calls form java - this is the simplest of the three.

If you want to write a simple java admin tool - use option three.  If you do, 
I can be your first user as I have been wanting such a tool :).  Alas I have 
zero time at the moment so I couldn't develop it, but I would be more than 
happy to help with any questions if I can.

If you want some tool which can send emil or read pop email for whatever 
reason use option 2 (I was going to do this as a way of downloading bulk 
emails from a single remote server and delivering them to xmail user accounts 
a bit like pop3links, but instead from 1 account).  Again I don't have the 
time to do it so I found another way.  Option 2 requires you to bone up 
pretty heavily on the RFC's too.

Option 1 I guess you would use if you wanted some sort of wrapper for XMail - 
why you would need that i'm not sure.  So I wouldn't consider the JNI, unless 
you have somthing else in mind which would benifit from it :)



On Tuesday 01 July 2003 12:57, Benny wrote:
> Basically my goal is to create a Java package that anyone could use in
> there java programs to talk to the XMail Server.
> I would be looking to incorporate features of all the other great admin
> tools, but some seem to be missing some features that i of course want,
> hence the reason for the idea.  Plus, the ability to use it to create gui's
> in other OS's.  And probably the biggest goal is too give XMail even more
> helpers/tools/developement libraries :).
>   I am a beginner in the Java area, but I have written some pretty useful
> stuff already.  So...  I have never worked with JNI, but I would probably
> check into that first, since it sounds more useful than my other method of
> telneting in.  Probably more secure too?  Faster?
> I am actually pretty surprised that no one has created something like this
> because I am sure other developers have thought about it?  Hopefully I will
> contribute back to XMail in the near future with this.
> Ben

William Denniss - will@: http://www.omegadelta.net

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