Thanks for that.

I think the following mods are needed:

changed to


changed to

When I make these changes, the results are what I expect.
I verified the info correlates with the following prog:

my tsinfo output. (correct)
Currently in Standard time
Your current offset from GMT is -600 minutes
Standard Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Standard Time
Standard Time starts on the last Sunday in March
Standard Time bias is 0 minutes
Daylight Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Daylight Time starts on the last Sunday in October
Daylight Time bias is -60 minutes

Without my mods, I get:
Currently in Standard time
Your current offset from GMT is -600 minutes
Standard Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Standard Time
Standard Time starts on the last Sunday in April
Standard Time bias is 0 minutes
Daylight Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Daylight Time starts on the last Sunday in November
Daylight Time bias is -60 minutes
Clearly wrong.

Thanks, Rob :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tracy
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 1:24 AM
> Subject: [xmail] Re: FW: Re: Log Rotation
> At 04:38 7/24/2003, Rob Arends wrote:
> >But how do you determine WHEN to apply the daylight offset and
> WHAT is the
> >offset?
> // TSInfo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
> //
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <windows.h>
> // there's probably a better way to handle this part
> // but I was in a hurry and didn't look for it...:)
> LPTSTR ordinals[] = {"",
>                   "first",
>                   "second",
>                   "third",
>                   "fourth",
>                   "fifth"};
> LPTSTR weekdays[] = {"Sunday",
>                   "Monday",
>                   "Tuesday",
>                   "Wednesday",
>                   "Thursday",
>                   "Friday",
>                   "Saturday"};
> LPTSTR months[] = {  "January",
>                   "February",
>                   "March",
>                   "April",
>                   "May",
>                   "June",
>                   "July",
>                   "August",
>                   "September",
>                   "October",
>                   "November",
>                   "December"};
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
>          DWORD status;
>          status = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tz);
>          switch (status)
>          {
>          case TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID:
>                  {
>                          DWORD count;
>                          LPTSTR buffer;
>                          count =
>                                            FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
>                                            0,
>                                            GetLastError(),
>                                            0,
>                                            buffer,
>                                            0,
>                                            0);
>                          printf("%s\r\n", buffer);
>                          LocalFree((HLOCAL)buffer);
>                          break;
>                  }
>          case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN:
>                  {
>                          printf("Unknown time zone information\r\n");
>                          break;
>                  }
>          default:
>                  {
>                          if (status == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD)
>                                  printf("Currently in Standard time\r\n");
>                          else if (status == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT)
>                                  printf("Currently in Daylight time\r\n");
>                          else
>                                  printf("Unable to determine Standard or
> Daylight");
>                          printf("Your current offset from GMT is %i
> minutes\r\n",
>                                          tz.Bias);
>                          printf("Standard Time in your time zone
> is called
> %S\r\n",
>                                          (LPWSTR)tz.StandardName);
>                          if (tz.StandardDate.wYear == 0)
>                                  printf("Standard Time starts on
> the %s %s
> in %s\r\n",
>                                          ordinals[tz.StandardDate.wDay],
> weekdays[tz.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek],
>                                          months[tz.StandardDate.wMonth]);
>                          else
>                                  printf("Standard Time starts on
> %s, %n %s
> %n\r\n",
> weekdays[tz.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek],
>                                          tz.StandardDate.wDay,
>                                          months[tz.StandardDate.wMonth],
>                                          tz.StandardDate.wYear);
>                          printf("Standard Time bias is %i minutes\r\n",
>                                          tz.StandardBias);
>                          printf("Daylight Time in your time zone
> is called
> %S\r\n",
>                                          (LPWSTR)tz.DaylightName);
>                          if (tz.DaylightDate.wYear == 0)
>                                  printf("Daylight Time starts on
> the %s %s
> in %s\r\n",
>                                          ordinals[tz.DaylightDate.wDay],
> weekdays[tz.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek],
>                                          months[tz.DaylightDate.wMonth]);
>                          else
>                                  printf("Standard Time starts on
> %s, %n %s
> %n\r\n",
> weekdays[tz.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek],
>                                          tz.DaylightDate.wDay,
>                                          months[tz.DaylightDate.wMonth],
>                                          tz.DaylightDate.wYear);
>                          printf("Daylight Time bias is %i minutes\r\n",
>                                          tz.DaylightBias);
>                  }
>          }
>          return 0;
> }
> -
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