On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Rob Arends wrote:

> That's way beyond my capabilities.
> When do you suppose it became broken.
> Are you using a new version of the lib?
> Because the problem first appeared on the 18/5/02, which is when I upgraded
> from 1.12 to 1.15

XMail uses the M$ C runtime library. The simple program you executed
simply shows that the C runtime library returns the daylight saving to be
currently active in your area. This seems to be somehow a your-system
problem since I didn't receive any other complain. And I'm not going to
drop inside the source code an :

#if defined(ROB_ARENDS_SYSTEM)

The old version of XMail was breaking any system in the world with
daylight saving atcive, that's why it has been fixed.

- Davide

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