A while ago I sent an email to the list (see below "Friday, July 25, 2003
1:29 PM"), but got no response.

I have recently installed 1.17pre06 (on w2k SP4) and still have the problem.
To recap......
The problem causes the log file to rotate at 23:00 rather than 00:00

I have run your program..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {

        printf("dl=%d\n", _daylight);
        printf("tz=%ld\n", _timezone);
        return 0;

and got the following results.

Note it is winter here and daylight time is not currently observed.

I also ran this program:  (thanks to Tracy arisiasoft.com)

and got the following (correct) results:

Currently in Standard time
Your current offset from GMT is -600 minutes
Standard Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Standard Time
Standard Time starts on the last Sunday in March
Standard Time bias is 0 minutes
Daylight Time in your time zone is called AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Daylight Time starts on the last Sunday in October
Daylight Time bias is -60 minutes

My timezone settings are:

Now, I know my Windows Timezone settings are correct.
On your test W2k server, could you set the timezone as above and test the
log rotation, so you can see the problem yourself.

IMHO, I think the issue is that _daylight indicates that the Daylight system
is enabled, NOT that the Daylight offset is to be added.

Therefore on all the systems here that I have tested, _daylight returns 1,
unless the tick box that says  "Automatically adjust clock for daylight
saving changes" is changed.

I note that in Tracy's program (TSinfo.cpp) she does not use _daylight.

Awaiting your insight, Rob :-)

> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Rob Arends wrote:
> >
> > I did a little testing/research, and found that _daylight
> > returns whether
> > daylight is enabled on the system, and _timezone returns the seconds to
> > add/subtract from UTC.
> >
> > The _daylight on my system only changes if the systems daylight
> > capability
> > is enabled/disabled.  ie. If _daylight=1 (enabled), then the time WILL
> > change when the right time occurs.  NOT that daylight time is actually
> > adjusting the time or not.
> >
> > I am UTC+10.
> > Also it is winter here and daylight time is not currently observed.
> > my  _daylight= 1
> > and _timezone=-36000

On Thursday, July 24, 2003 11:52 PM, Davide Libenzi Wrote

> <SNIP>
> > You are at UTC +10, that is -36000 for the timezone. That is fine. Your
> > system shows that daylight is enabled though. How the system does know ?
> > There's a configuration file (/etc/timezone in most Unix) that describe
> > timezone and daylight switch information. I don't know where the magic
> > happen in Windows, but your system is clearly misconfigured from that
> > point of view.
> >

On Friday, July 25, 2003 1:29 PM, Rob Arends wrote

> But on a Windows 2k server, you don't have that file, and need to get the
> info from the registry, or some API.
> My system is not misconfigured - it works just fine with all
> other programs.
> I do believe that your interpretation of _daylight may need clarification.
> On my w2k server, I ran your C++ program and changed the timezones in the
> control panel.
> Then re-ran your program, I found that the tick box that says
> "Automatically
> adjust clock for daylight saving changes" is what directly affected the
> _daylight value of 0 or 1.
> I wanted to understand the TZ stuff more so I searched the net and found a
> delphi resource.
> I know you write in C++ but it was a good write up & the info may be of
> relevance.
> Also the second link is to an exe the guy wrote that runs on windows and
> displays heaps about time and DST.
> http://www.thedelphimagazine.com/samples/1175/1175.htm
> http://17slon.com/gp/gp/gptimezone.htm
> Rob :-)
> >

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