I think that "stop filtering" means don't pass the email to other filters that might 
live in your inbound filters table.  Once you find an offending (or at least thought 
to be offending) email there is no need to waste resources to process it further.  

There are two classes of error: saying email is spam when it is not and saying email 
is not spam when it is.  There are different costs associated with each error.

The possible error made with the suggested change is that you will stop filtering when 
an e-mail is incorrectly identified as spam.  If you do your virus filtering first, 
what will you loose?

One more thing, Don's perl script is also quite useful as a framework for calling your 
virus filtering program.  The same return code concept is helpful there also, probably 
more so.

If I am missing something, please let me know.  This is a very good forum for 
education as well as a wonderful platform to share knowledge about a wonderful product.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sasa Stupar 
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 12:56 PM
  Subject: [xmail] Re: [ANNOUNCE] SpamAssassin Filter (sa_filter) Release v1.3

  Alan D. Snyder wrote:

  > Don - the new filter might be slightly more useful if you changed to exit line 
  > exit 7;
  > to something like 
  > exit 7 + ($isSpam = "SPAM") * (6 + 16);    # 6 means reject and notify; 16 means 
stop filtering this email
  > some users might want to send code 4 (or 5) back to XMAIL, so it might even be 
more useful to parameterize the return code (with, say, 4 as default) instead of 
obliging admins to modify the perl script
  > Alan
  I think that this is generaly not a good idea because you can get 
  messages which aren't spam but filter says it is and then the mail will 
  stop from processing. The admins would have a lot of work to do to see 
  if the messages are spam or not.

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