On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Eugenio wrote:

> Here the log I get in debug mode. The mail did not reached the mailbox. I
> also tried to delete (while the server was not running) the content of the
> "tabindex" directory to have it rewritten by the server. Same results.
> I have no idea. Is there a way to get more details in the logs? (I started
> the server with the following command line:
> xmail --debug -Md -Sl -Ql -Fl -Cl -Ll -Yl -Yi 300 >
> ...\logs\debug05102003.txt
> Eugenio
> -----------------------------------------
> Debugging XMail Server.
> SMAIL thread [00] started
> SMAIL thread [01] started
> SMAIL thread [02] started
> SMAIL thread [03] started
> SMAIL thread [04] started
> SMAIL thread [05] started
> SMAIL thread [06] started
> SMAIL thread [07] started
> SMAIL thread [08] started
> SMAIL thread [09] started
> SMAIL thread [10] started
> SMAIL thread [11] started
> SMAIL thread [12] started
> SMAIL thread [13] started
> SMAIL thread [14] started
> SMAIL thread [15] started
> [XMail 1.17 (Win32/Ix86) CTRL Server] started
> [XMail 1.17 (Win32/Ix86) POP3 Server] started
> [XMail 1.17 (Win32/Ix86) ESMTP Server] started
> [XMail 1.17 (Win32/Ix86) PSYNC Server] started
> [XMail 1.17 (Win32/Ix86) FINGER Server] started
> LMAIL thread [00] started
> LMAIL thread [01] started
> LMAIL thread [02] started
> POP3 client connection from []
> POP3 client exit []
> SMTP client connection from []
> SMTP client exit []
> SMAIL local SMTP = "smtp.jenio.net" From = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To =

Hem ... here it is only showing an SMAIL delivery.

- Davide

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