On Sun, Feb 01, 2004 at 05:03:52PM -0600, Shiloh Jennings wrote:
> > > Don't see that IP in there do you???? Fails the test.... Not good.
> >
> > I agree. De-queued.
> >

Ah ! great to hear that ! Imagine a 'Linux road warrior' (LRW for short) 
pluging into the Net far from home, but using his e-Mail address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... he will use his sendmail/postfix/whatever on the local 
machine to send mail ... guess how close his IP will be to the MX at home 

> Understandable.  What about implementing support for RMX?  That is something
> a lot of email servers will be moving toward in the near future, and it does
> not cause any problems like the idea about simply using the MX.  

I will try to be as little cynical as possible, but: When was the date we 
all switched to IPv6 ? Yes, right, we all do 'trusted computing' allready 
and wasn't it the same guy saying 'There will be no spam whithin 18 month 
from now' in Davos, who also said '640kB of RAM are enough for everybody' 

Maybe I'm in this Biz too long to believe in miracles introduced by new 
technologies. There are major flaws in that proposal (link below) too. 
First to mention our LRW. Does he really have to build a VPN tunnel to his 
homeLAN just to be able to send mail ? 

Imagine the RMX sets of FreeMailers (GMX, HotMail et al) ... or do you 
plan to ban them anyway ? 

I'm sorry to say that, but I'm afraid we have a long way to go before we 
get rid of spam.

BTW: ever thought about your sending SMTP server signing mail headers from 
known senders (i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] from within the company LAN) digitally ? 
So the recieving MUA can check the Sig against the public key of the 
server and if unmatched, slip the message to the 'not good' folder. Yes, 
this is also the proosal of a kind of a new standard, but it works without 
changing all the DNS/SMTP servers out there ...

  just a thought,


> The
> following link explains RMX.
> http://www.danisch.de/work/security/txt/draft-danisch-dns-rr-smtp-00.txt

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