> Maybe I'm in this Biz too long to believe in miracles introduced by new
> technologies. There are major flaws in that proposal (link below) too.
> First to mention our LRW. Does he really have to build a VPN tunnel to his
> homeLAN just to be able to send mail ?

The LRW would use SMTP AUTH to send email through his ISP's email server.
If port 25 is blocked, the other option would be port 587 as proposed by
SPF.  This solution does not stop the LRW from sending email.  Nobody is
avocating requiring home users to set up VPN tunnels.

> Imagine the RMX sets of FreeMailers (GMX, HotMail et al) ... or do you
> plan to ban them anyway ?

I don't need to imagine them.  If they choose to publish their RMX sets in
their DNS, then my email servers will use that info when deciding whether or
not to accept the email.  If they do not publish their RMX information, then
my email servers treat the email the same way it is treated today.  Nobody
is avocating blocking free email services.

> BTW: ever thought about your sending SMTP server signing mail headers from
> known senders (i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] from within the company LAN) digitally
> So the recieving MUA can check the Sig against the public key of the
> server and if unmatched, slip the message to the 'not good' folder. Yes,
> this is also the proosal of a kind of a new standard, but it works without
> changing all the DNS/SMTP servers out there ...

Post a URL that details this proposal.  I'd be interested in reading about
anything that will help us reduce the spam burden.  At a glance, this sounds
like something that would not work, because the spammers could simply forge
the sig.  But maybe there is more to it than what you have already posted,
and I'd like to read the entire proposal before judging it.  I have heard
similar proposals already where the sig data was copyrighted, so the domain
owner could sue the spamer for copyright infringement if the spammer pasted
the sig into any spam.  Maybe the proposal you are talking about has
provisions like that in it.

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