On Tue, 18 May 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a puzzling thing.... xmail 1.16 /1.17 On Win2kServer (patched up to
> date), filters launched from filters.in.tab seem to launch multiple copies
> of the filter almost all at once.  I have written the same filter in two
> different languages and get the same behavior. I was surprised - I really
> thought it had something to do with the langauge the filter was written in.
> But Noooooo . . .
> I have simplified the filter untill all it does is log the fact that it
> started, and then it exits.  XMAIL does get the return code in every
> case..... and responds the way it should.  BUT, it runs the filter several
> times?!  There is almost no chance its a program loop in the filter, and the
> filter is NOT self reentrant.  It really is like three lines long at this
> point. Open, log startup, and exit.
> After receiving ONE email only, here is the log for Joe, showing it runs
> twice. (It should run only once):
> 05-18-2004 03:39:59:  Started.(@@FROM @@RRCPT passed are just fine and
> dandy)
> 05-18-2004 03:40:00:  Started. (@@FROM @@RRCPT passed are not valid in this
> copy)
> filters.in.tab
> "*"[tab]"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"[tab] ""[tab] ""[tab] "concq.tab"
> \filters\concq.tab   (php version of the filter)
> "c:\\php\\php.exe -q c:\\xmail\\mailroot\\filters\\conc.php"[tab]
> "@@FROM"[tab]"@@RRCPT" CRLF
> or
> \filters\concq.tab   (VB Version of the filter)
> "conc.exe"[tab] "@@FROM"[tab]"@@RRCPT" CRLF
> Even more strange,   it seems like  the more complex the filter - and the
> longer it takes to run - the more "extra" copies of itself it runs. And the
> @@FROM And other parameters are all wrong every occurance of the filter
> except the first one of the bunch.

If you have one line in filters.in.tab and one line in the corresponding 
..tab file, the filter will run *once* per message (iif the message is 
being delivered locally). The message is removed from the memroy queue 
while delivering, so if you see simultaneous filter invocations, they come 
from different messages.

- Davide

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