On Wed, 19 May 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have more data - It seems important.  I have verified this behavior on 2
> completely different boxes, and its absolutely consistent. (Win2KServer,
> fully patched)
> When the filter returns a value of Zero, or say, 2 - it only runs once.  BUT
> when the filter returns a 6 - its runs TWICE.  Please somebody try and
> duplicate this - I'm well and truly stuck until I can figure out why the
> filters run twice.
> Davide - I this might not make sense - but it's happening and repeatable -
> it must be real.  Can anyone else duplicate this behavior?

Check your config. Message below are two different messages. Different 
delivery also (RLYS and LOCAL).

> > > > SMAIL SMTP-Send RLYS = "" SMTP = "colsolgrp.org" From =

> > > > SMAIL local SMTP = "colsolgrp.org" From = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To =

- Davide

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