On Tue, 18 May 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > If you have one line in filters.in.tab and one line in the corresponding
> > ..tab file, the filter will run *once* per message (iif the message is
> > being delivered locally). The message is removed from the memroy queue
> > while delivering, so if you see simultaneous filter invocations, they come
> > from different messages.
> >
> Well that sure describes what is supposed to happen.  But that is not what
> IS happeneing.
> There is exactly one filter line in filters.in.tab, and one line in the
> corresponding filetr  tab (as I showed), exactly one email gets processed.
> As I did say,  the filter is running at least twice for a SINGLE INBOUND
> As I understand thats not what is supposed to happen - please instead help
> me understand why its happening and how to make it not happen.

Then run XMail in debug mode and look at the messages on the console. Stop 
the XMail service and run:

C:> XMail --debug -Md ...

- Davide

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