Thunderbird is my MUA of choice, and I am not sure what it does to 
authenticate me, but it prompts for a password.  Also, I have null 
webmail, and it does work.  I am going to install ethereal on this box 
and watch as I try to send mail, to see how it connects to the server 
for authentication

Charles Frolick wrote:

>Hello Dustin,
>Wednesday, November 17, 2004, 6:32:54 AM, you wrote:
>DCH> I looked further into the docs on SMTP authentication, and they were no
>DCH> help.  All I got out of that was external as in another mail server.  My
>DCH> question still remains: why does external POP3 authentication not take
>DCH> place when sending emails?  It works just fine otherwise, downloading
>DCH> messages from the server, but when I try to send a message, then I have
>DCH> to use the password in the file, which defeats the purpose
>DCH> of having external authentication in the first place. What am I doing 
>IT sounds like you are composing then immediately sending, in which
>case many MUA's do not POP3 check first, the only option is to let it
>stay in the outbox until a full send and recieve, or find a client
>that has a setting for POP before SMTP auth for immediate send. I know
>The Bat! can do it (
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