At 07.55 28/03/05 +0200, you wrote:
>I use 1.21
>As I tought today the logs are fine. But we could think about next change...

I've been using XMail since version 1.17, first on NT4 then on Win2K 
(always with the latest service pack) and I've always observed this 
behaviour at daylight saving time change: a new log file ending in "2300" 
(when DST starts) or "0100" (when DST ends) is created at the time of 
change. The next day the file namings become again normal ("0000", I've no 
hourly rotation set). The reason of this behaviour has always been very 
obscure (Davide sent a test programme some time ago: though it uses the 
same routine as XMail, it does not exhibit this ...).

Ciao, Francesco

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