On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, OKI Miyuki wrote:

>> Well thank you. I will work on it some more. I have now a filter and
>> tab in place, but it says to be sure that spamd si running and I have
>> no way of knowing how to start it or what not.
> ¡¡I have run SpamAssassin with ActivePerl
> and Spamd.bat (to run is simple. double click from explorer)
> and xmspamc.exe (without cwgwin) on win2k.
>  Spam filtering process takes many time.
> so added option "-QT 240" to XMailServer.
> And to enable XMailServer filter's log "-Qg" option.
> sample of filter's log below( Rejected Spam )
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 2005-09-09 15:47:19 in 0 4 c:\usr\perl\bin\xmspamc.exe
> 2005-09-09 15:43:38 in 0 4 c:\usr\perl\bin\xmspamc.exe
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> note: in 0 4
>  0 means filter successfully finished ( -5 means timeout error )
>  4 means message is rejected ( 7 means modified, 0 means do nothing )
> http://www.hunes.co.jp/oki/xmail_spamc/defaulten.htm
> I add UML Sequence table (PDF) on my page.
>  It's help for how filter process work.

Miyuki-san, I think the translation to PDF uses .jp fonts still, so Gnome 
PDF cannot show it correctly.

- Davide

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