On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Rob Arends wrote:

> Davide, I read this:
> ========================
> - Added complex/multiple macro substitution capabilities to external
>   programs argoument lists.
> ========================
> And found this in the readme:
> ========================
> XMail support two kinds of macro declaration inside its TAB file. The old
> macro declaration done by prefixing the macro name with the '@@' sequence is
> still supported for backward compatibility, and has to be used when the
> macro is the only content of the parameter. Macro can also be declared as
> '$(MACRO)' and this form can be used anywhere inside the parameter
> declaration, like:
>  "/var/spool/mail/$(USER).dat"
> ========================
> Why do you stipulate that @@ macros must be used if they are the only value
> of the field.
> Surely "$(FROM)" should work as equally as "@@FROM"
> Can you explain your reasoning???

It means, you can only use the @@ syntax only if the parameter is alone.

- Davide

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