On Thu, 9 Nov 2006, Ana Paula Fernandes wrote:

> My xmailserver has crashing, i working to discover the cause, i using
> 1.23-pre11 and recently created a GSLT filter and added to
> filters.post-rcpt.tab, the filter has working fine, xmail crashed 4
> times in 24 hours period. I use Windows 2000 SP4, the "Event Viewer"
> only log this message:
> "The XMail Server service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 4
> time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 0
> milliseconds: No action."
> xmail create any log files in this cases?

Hmm, do you have just-in-time debugging on that machine? I uploaded a 
debug version at:


Are you able to get a crashdump info with that fully symbolic EXE&PDB?

- Davide

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