On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Hal Dell wrote:

> > On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Hal Dell wrote:
> > 
> > Recently a SPAMer started sending eMails to the server using a 
> > dictionary for eMail addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
> > etc. Then the eMail Servers trys to send an eMail message back to the 
> > sender indicating the eMail was NOT delivered because of a bad eMail 
> > address.
> > On Wednesday, October 03, 2007 2:28 PM Davide wrote:
> >
> > Why doesn't your server reject bad addresses at SMTP level??
> > In *my* server, that stuf never even souch the spool. Actually, 99+% of
> > gets puked on at RBL level.
> That's not been my experience. We have RBL (Zen) turned on at the head of
> our
> network and we dump like some 4000 eMails per hour during the day before
> they
> even get to xMail. The eMails that I am talking about get thru that filter
> check.
> I'm sorry, I should have said that we are running xMail V1.24 at present --
> so I guess
> I'm saying that our xMail Server V1.24 does NOT reject the bad destination
> eMails
> in the MTA session -- they seem to get queued for later retry delivery
> attempts and
> eventually an NDR is sent.

Man, that depends on how you set it up. Not on XMail.

- Davide

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