On 18 Feb 2008, at 12:27, Jeff Buehler wrote:

> Hi all -
> Sorry to be late to the game with this - in an earlier list email that I 
> inadvertently deleted (thinking I had no helpful input, of course!)  
> titled "Problem with XMail on NetBSD-4" there was a discussion about the 
> error:
> Recipient domain "xxxx.com" does not exist (or it has a misconfigured DNS)
> I am also getting this error regularly with FreeBSD 6 and XMail 1.25.  I 
> mention it in the XMail forums as well, and read about a number of other 
> recent occurrences, but nothing has been resolved specifically.  As I 
> mention in the forums, I have verified the domains are valid and 
> properly configured in some of the cases, but the errors are consistent 
> with specific domains.  In my case, one example is "trikorausa.com" 
> which I can send email from any server other than my active XMail server 
> under FreeBSD, adn which looks properly configured via dnstools.com (I 
> configured it, so I believe it is correct...)
> Davide responded:
> I think XMail is getting a ERR_DNS_NXDOMAIN (NXDOMAIN) from your DNS 
> server. When that's happening, XMail does not even try to fall back to the 
> A record delivery.
> and I think seems like it may be correct, but I am uncertain how to test 
> this.  The server does not provide DNS queries for itself (although it 
> provides DNS for the domains it is authoritative on) but queries a 
> m0n0wall router on the LAN, which queries my ISPs DNS servers.  The 
> server is able to resolve a dig as well as dig+trace to the MX record to 
> trikorausa.com (and other domains) without incident.  This would suggest 
> that something else might be going on, since the domain does have a 
> functional and valid MX record, so there should be no need to fall back 
> to an A record.

Davide's reply was in response to my problems with NetBSD-3.1 and 
NetBSD-4.0. I'd been using SmartDNSHost pointing to my local dns as 
that was also configured for private ips on the lan and at some point 
this had become replaced by a malformed version (I'd commented out it 
out  for some reason and afterwards un-commented the wrong line). The 
only thing this broke was local mail delivery which I didn't notice 
until testing new server which used cloned configuration of current 

> This seems to be a new problem, but I updated XMail to 1.25, FreeBSD 
> (minor update) and the m0n0wall router (minor update) all around the 
> same time.  I am not using SmartDNSHost, nor have I ever, although I've 
> been running XMail for 6 or more years... should I test setting it to my 
> ISP DNS servers rather than the local m0n0wall router (which queries the 
> ISP servers anyway successfully with other services on the same server)?
> Does anyone have any ideas or recommendations about how to test where 
> the problem might be?

I'd suggest trying with SmartDNSHost set to the router then again 
with it set to the ISP.

What servers do you have set in resolv.conf?


> Thanks,
> Jeff

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