At 12.47 21/03/08, David Lord wrote:
>On 21 Mar 2008, at 1:56, max toro q wrote:

> > I installed Xmail on win2k, and I have delivery problems to hotmail.
> > Some messages get delivered, some simply get lost. The log shows no
> > sign of problem.
>Yes but not very often. Mails are accepted but never delivered.

Not sure we're talking about the same thing, anyway from time to time 
my users complain that mails for hotmail accounts "are not 
delivered", meaning that the receiver did not receive them and the 
sender was not notified of any error. Every time I have investigated 
I found that hotmail did accept the message for delivery: smail logs 
say that. For me, this means that XMail did its job and the problem 
(if any: you know, 90% of a computer's problems lie between the 
keyboard and the chair ...) is with hotmail: if a MTA accepts a 
message for delivery, it must either deliver or bounce.

Ciao, Francesco

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