Dear Davide -

As you can see from my previous messages I was unable to lockdown the xMail
Server based upon the config below. I did discover that SmtpConfig now seems
to work after an upgrade from 1.24 to 1.25. 

Now , when I attempt to connect directly and type "Mail
from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" without prior authentication I get the error message
"551 Server use forbidden". Which I guess is what should be expected. When I
manually perform an "AUTH LOGIN" and then type "Mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
I get the message "250 OK".

The reason I'm doing all of this is to pass all my eMail thru Postini. I
really would appreciate your help on this.

However, Postini is going to only work if I can lock out the spammers from
connecting to my eMail server directly as they ignore the MX records. As you
know Postini acts as an eMail Relay as follows:

Postini MTA In ---> SPAM Engine --> Postini SMTP Out --> My xMail MTA

Target eMail Address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] with MX pointing to Postini
Postini Address Space: /
My xMail MTA:

Now keep in mind that I use xMail in an ISP scenario and as such that I
don't know the IPs of the eMail clients connecting to the xMail Server from
outside thus I need to allow eMail clients to relay. Of course all clients
are required authenticate. I assume I can't use SMTP.IPMAP.TAB because of

Therefore, it seemed to me that by adding the Postini Address space to the
SMTPRELAY.TAB I was hoping it would override the need for authentication.
Unfortunately, Postini does provide support for authentication as it is
simply a Relay.

I guess the questions is why is the content of the SMTPRELAY.TAB override
the need for SMTP Authentication? Or is their something that I need to do to
make this work? The line in the realy file is:

""     ""

Hal Dell
Managing Partner, Inc.

Hal Dell Wrote on: Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:27 PM

Hello All...
I have an external eMail Server that accepts inbound eMail then relays all
of the eMail to my internal xMail Server. eMail Clients wanting to send
eMails out will connect to the xMail Server.
I want to force any SMTP connections to xMail to require Authentication and
the only allow relaying of eMail by the IPs in the 
The IP Address of the external eMail Server would be listed in the so that xMail would accept eMail from the external eMail
server without the need for authentication.
So I added the following to the

"SmtpConfig-,25"    "MailAuth"
"SmtpConfig-,8291"  "MailAuth"

However, if you telnet to the above IP and manually perform the protocol
exchange then xMail Server accepts the eMail for the local domain I was under the impression that if I add the above SmtpConfig
it would force authentication on ALL inbound SMTP traffic.

From: "Bob Example" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:02:43 -0500
Subject: Test message

Hello Alice.
This is a test message with 5 headers and 4 lines in the body.
Your friend,

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