On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Hal Dell wrote:

> Dear Clement Francis / Davide -
> > First at all xmail doc for smtp.ipprop.tab syntax says :
> >  "Address selection mask are formed by an IP address
> > (network) plus the number of valid bits inside the network mask"
> > [...snip...]
> > ""    "WhiteList=1"
> Yes, I was wondering if the parser would just assume that without
> the slash it figure out that was were referencing a single node.
> Well, I made the above change and it still does NOT work; in
> other words I still get the "551 Server use forbidden" error message.

OK, I lied to you. Actually, I forgot about mailauth no being clear by 
Note for self: Add an smtp.iprop.tab option to release the MailAuth 

- Davide

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