After re-read rfc2821 I find this :

4.2.5 Reply Codes After DATA and the Subsequent <CRLF>.<CRLF>

.... snip to last paragraph

   When an SMTP server returns a permanent error status (5yz) code after
   the DATA command is completely with <CRLF>.<CRLF>, it MUST NOT make
   any subsequent attempt to deliver the message.  As with temporary
   error status codes, the SMTP client retains responsibility for the
   message, but SHOULD not again attempt delivery to the same server
   without user review and intervention of the message.

It seems that the smtp client (xmail here when sending to smtp gateways or
mx servers), when receiving a 5xx code SHOULD NOT again attempt to the same
server. So Davide is right, xmail can try the other gateways/mx available in
the list.

But with the possible case (Oliver case here) that "all the gateways/mxs
return a 5xx error"  the smtp client have no more options to send the mail
(because it "SHOULD not again attempt delivery to the same server").
So the smtp client (xmail here) have to send an ndr to ask/alert the sender
what to do next (to comply with "without user review and intervention of the
message") :)

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