On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Kövesdi György wrote:

> > IMO the text file was changed by hand, w/out proper restart. Many of XMail
> > config file can be edited with XMail "live", and everythign will work
> > fine. But some of them are indexed, and you cannot change them while XMail
> > is running.
> > If you simply append data, data won't be visible, while if you edit
> > content in the middle, XMail can mis-behave.
> > The documentation explicitly tells which files are indexed and require
> > such care.
> I have restarted Xmail many times after modifications. Or does it need other 
> operations?
> The log now contains a "RCPT=EFULL" entry for each event. How Xmail checks 
> the 
> free space?

There's a variable telling how big the mailbox for a given user can be. If 
the mailbox size exceeds the maximum allowed size, you get that message.

- Davide

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