Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:
I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service maybe
has a same bug too

1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It is
because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , outlook will
not have this issue.

2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP3S with any openssl lib. (tested
0.9.8za 1.0.0, tested gcc 4.0.2/4.0.4/4.3.6) and the email account contain too
many emails (1000-2000 emails), the mobile client POP3 such as Samsung
internal Email Client is using SSL, K9-MAIL on any android devices using SSL,
some iPhone devices (connect with XMAIL SSL port 995), will not download them
successfully (Android Error - Java Exception Error) and some
iPhone device will stuck with it, it will not download all emails
successfully. But if you disable XMAIL'S internal POP3S with -B- startup
option, and switch stunnel 5.17 port 995 tunnel to port 110, it will solve
this problem and kick out FIN_WAIT_2

***** stunnel 5.17 config *****
accept  = 995
connect = 110
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem

What do the logs (server, client) say about the errors?

I think you need a faster server HW and/or need to optimize the resources,
for example the number of threads, and possibly also RAM.
An excerpt from the doc:
If you have an heavily loaded server remember to setup the best number of XMAIL threads by specifying the '-Qn nthreads' option (you must do some tentatives to find the best value for your needs). Also you can limit the number of SMTP, POP3 and CTRL service threads by specifying the options '-SX maxthreads', '-PX maxthreads' and '-CX maxthreads'.

If there are mail filters, you can put them into a ramdisk and set PATH accordingly, or use an absolute path to them. See also XMAIL_TEMP in the doc.

In task manager / system monitor you can see how the resource usage is, especially CPU, memory, and network.


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