U.Mutlu via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 07:06 AM:
Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:
No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch
to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with
XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 10000, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the
server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in
K9-MAIL randomly.

2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy

If the emailbox has many emails such as 10000, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have
any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when
it finished download emails.

I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).

There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:

Check this too:

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout

The following page is informative too:


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