Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3 
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL 
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then 100-200 
emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse STUNNEL to do a 
POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

>---- Original Message ----
>From: Bart Mortelmans <>
>To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" <>
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 3:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>Is there any way for you to test if the problem exists if you don't 
>allow simultaneous POP3 logins?
>Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 08:14:
>> POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5 
>> years.. I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)
>> ====================================================================================================================
>>         }
>>          if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) {
>>                  UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_MSG_DELETED, 
>> pPOPSD->iTimeout);
>>                  ErrSetErrorCode(ERR_MSG_DELETED);
>>                  return ERR_MSG_DELETED;
>>          }
>>          UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, 
>> sizeof(szMsgFilePath), 1);
>>          StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));
>> /*
>>   */
>> FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb");
>> if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
>> UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);
>> ErrSetErrorCode(ERR_FILE_OPEN);
>> return ERR_FILE_OPEN;
>> }
>> fclose(pMsgFile);
>> /*
>>   */
>>          SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1,
>>                      "+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT " bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize);
>>          if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse, pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0)
>>                  return ErrGetErrorCode();
>>          if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&
>>> ---- Original Message ----
>>> From: Oversea Site via xmail <>
>>> To: "XMail Users Mailing List" <>
>>> Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>> FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version.. 
>>> Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 
>>> 32-bit software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)
>>> KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is 
>>> not a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem 
>>> was found.
>>> Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight..
>>> Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
>>> CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same 
>>> platform in VM. I use virtualbox.
>>> [root@bravo logs]# uname -a
>>> Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>> [root@bravo logs]#
>>> [root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3
>>> =>  (0x00007ffff7f0e000)
>>> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
>>> (0x00007f43b00bc000)
>>> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
>>> (0x00007f43afd35000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e18200000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e18600000)
>>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f43afa37000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e18000000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e19400000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e17d00000)
>>>         /lib64/ (0x0000003e17b00000)
>>> *******************************************************************
>>> /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
>>> -SI -SI \
>>> -PI -PI \
>>> -BI \
>>> -XI \
>>> -Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX 2048 -Mx 64 \
>>> -Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 10000 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256
>>> *******************************************************************
>>>> ---- Original Message ----
>>>> From: "U.Mutlu" <>
>>>> To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" <>
>>>> Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:06 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>>> Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:
>>>>> No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump
>>>>> It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I 
>>>>> switch to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with 
>>>>> XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error
>>>>> Two tests
>>>>> 1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL
>>>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 10000, Microsoft Outlook with SSL 
>>>>> or NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>>>>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take 
>>>>> the server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
>>>>> But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
>>>>> K9-MAIL randomly.
>>>>> 2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy
>>>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 10000, Microsoft Outlook with SSL 
>>>>> or NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>>>>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT 
>>>>> have any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
>>>>> K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error 
>>>>> when it finished download emails.
>>>> I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
>>>> xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).
>>>> There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
>>>> said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
>>>> unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
>>>> or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:
>>>> cu
>>>> Uenal
>>>>>> ---- Original Message ----
>>>>>> From: "U.Mutlu" <>
>>>>>> To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 10:11 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>>>>> Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:
>>>>>>> I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service 
>>>>>>> maybe
>>>>>>> has a same bug too
>>>>>>> 1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , 
>>>>>>> outlook will
>>>>>>> not have this issue.
>>>>>>> 2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP3S with any openssl lib. 
>>>>>>> (tested
>>>>>>> 0.9.8za 1.0.0, tested gcc 4.0.2/4.0.4/4.3.6) and the email account 
>>>>>>> contain too
>>>>>>> many emails (1000-2000 emails), the mobile client POP3 such as Samsung
>>>>>>> internal Email Client is using SSL, K9-MAIL on any android devices 
>>>>>>> using SSL,
>>>>>>> some iPhone devices (connect with XMAIL SSL port 995), will not 
>>>>>>> download them
>>>>>>> successfully (Android Error - Java Exception Error) and some
>>>>>>> iPhone device will stuck with it, it will not download all emails
>>>>>>> successfully. But if you disable XMAIL'S internal POP3S with -B- startup
>>>>>>> option, and switch stunnel 5.17 port 995 tunnel to port 110, it will 
>>>>>>> solve
>>>>>>> this problem and kick out FIN_WAIT_2
>>>>>>> ***** stunnel 5.17 config *****
>>>>>>> [pop3s]
>>>>>>> accept  = 995
>>>>>>> connect = 110
>>>>>>> cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
>>>>>>> ***************************
>>>>>> What do the logs (server, client) say about the errors?
>>>>>> I think you need a faster server HW and/or need to optimize the 
>>>>>> resources,
>>>>>> for example the number of threads, and possibly also RAM.
>>>>>> An excerpt from the doc:
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> If you have an heavily loaded server remember to setup the best number of
>>>>>> XMAIL threads by specifying the '-Qn nthreads' option (you must do some
>>>>>> tentatives to find the best value for your needs). Also you can limit the
>>>>>> number of SMTP, POP3 and CTRL service threads by specifying the options 
>>>>>> '-SX
>>>>>> maxthreads', '-PX maxthreads' and '-CX maxthreads'.
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> If there are mail filters, you can put them into a ramdisk and set PATH
>>>>>> accordingly, or use an absolute path to them. See also XMAIL_TEMP in the 
>>>>>> doc.
>>>>>> In task manager / system monitor you can see how the resource usage is,
>>>>>> especially CPU, memory, and network.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> cu
>>>>>> Uenal
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