> congratulations on missing my point entirely.

No, I got your point. You missed mine. Stop trying to belittle me, this
isn't the seventh grade you know.

> The point that I was trying to make was that this patch doesn't
> magically turn MAME into a warez tool

It allows you to play 2003 games, if thats not warez then what is?

> _compile_ something; or even worse, patch something, they're going to
> say "the hell with it. I'll just wait till someone releases a binary".

I think you underestimate people.

> I stand by my opinion that there's no reason why updates to this patch
> shouldn't be posted to this list.

And you're entitled to your opinion, but I'm also entitled to mine. Mine is
an opinion shared by a large percentage of mamedev's and you suggested that
you respected us?

> There's nothing illegal about it
> (source code itself isn't illegal),

Again, you missed my point. Adding 2003 games to mame puts it in the firing
line. If you really want to be objective, then imagine if you were a company
that was producing a game that was emulated. You'd be pissed off right? What
if it was a game three years old or more & you no longer make money. You'd
be pissed off as well, but would you bother suing? Less likely isn't it.
Especially as you have to show that revenue was affected to win a copyright

> However, the whole DDR argument is very much a red herring. why is it
> such a big deal that people emulate DDR right now?

People want this years games, DDR runs on similar hardware to system 573.
By breaking the protection on any system 573 game it would open the
possiblity for someone to come along and do a l337 patch that adds the DDR
games too.

> however, it sort of seems that you were just filling up space with rant
> fodder, so I shouldn't have bitten.

No, I was trying to provide objective reasons to why this patch is not a
good idea.

> another thing, after reading all of your replies, it becomes
> abundantly clear that you should not be allowed to argue, as
> all of your replies attempt to belittle the person you're talking
> to. this isn't the seventh grade.

I wasn't arguing, I was merely expressing my opinion. Any dumbing down of my
language was merely to bring it in line with the target audience.

> this was supposed to be a
> constructive debate, of which your participation is becoming less
> and less useful.

This was never a constructive debate. Chris likes to troll & you want to
play all the latest games.


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