I'm porting a Win32 app that uses MSXML to a POSIX environment that will use
libxml2. This app uses XML schema for validation. 


There is basically a 'main' schema that (among other things) includes an
element with a complex type sequence of 'any' type:


<xs:element name="Properties" minOccurs="0">



                             <xs:any namespace="##other"
processContents="strict" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>





The idea is that the app data model is extensible, and that the 'any' node
will contain data that will declare a new namespace and be validated by a
different schema. These schemas are not currently designed to use schema
include (xs:include).


The MSXML parser allows multiple schemas to be loaded into a collection,
which is then associated with the document that is to be validated. However,
it looks like the libxml2 schema API is designed to work with one
schema/context at a time. Am I correct? 


Thanks in advance,

- Paul



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