I've made a tremendous amount of progress in fitting libxml2 into our
application's XML processing model. I took the approach that Frank Gross
suggested on my 'multiple schema' issue - namely, to modify the "main"
schema on the fly with <xs:import namespace="blah" schemaLocation="blah"/>
nodes for each secondary schema (reminder - having to do this is new to me
because I'm used to MSXML's "schema collection" object that performs the
work of aggregating schemas for you).  


This works, but I've run into an issue: I have to reload the document after
performing the in-memory modifications in order to pass parse validation of
the schema itself. Any theories why this might be? I've used the element and
doc dumping capabilities of the library and am confident that the runtime
changes are correct - indeed they must be if I can dump to memory at runtime
and reload/parse/validate. 


Just to be sure I'm clear, this case fails:

1.) xmlReadFile (strPrimarySchemaFile, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET)

2.) Add targetNamespace to xs:schema node for primary schema, add
<xs:import> nodes for secondary schemas

3.) call xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt to create parser context and
xmlSchemaParse to parse the schema (which fails)

And this case succeeds:

1.) Call xmlReadFile like before

2.) Add targetNamespace and xs:import's exactly like above

3.) Call xmlDocDumpMemory to dump to a xmlChar buffer, xmlDocFree to free
the original doc, and xmlReadDoc load the dumped buffer back into a DOM

4.) Call xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt and xmlSchemaParse as above (and
ultimately xmlSchemaValidateDoc), which now succeed 


Thanks again,

- Paul




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