On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:52:45AM -0400, Paul B. Cameron wrote:
> Thanks again for the assistance.
> It turns out that when I add the targetNamespace, global namespace, and
> prefixed namespace declarations to the physical schema files, and remove the
> code that added these entries at runtime, the problem remains:
> "Element '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema': The content is not
> valid. Expected is ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*,
> (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute
> | notation), annotation*)*).
> I think this narrows the issue down to the dynamic addition of the
> <xs:import> nodes, although the error does seem to indicate a problem with
> the xs:schema element. Again, my procedure is:
> 1.) xmlDocGetRootElement
> 2.) xmlFirstElementChild (I need to insert <xs:import> as the first child of
> <xs:schema>
> 3.) xmlNewNode with "xs:import" 
> 4.) xmlDocCopyNode to populate the new node with doc info
> 5.) xmlAddPrevSibling to insert the new node in front of the previous
> first-child-element.
> 6.) xmlSetProp with "namespace" to setup the namespace attribute
> 7.) xmlSetProp with "schemaLocation" to setup the file URI for the import
> schema
> Any chance there is a problem with using xmlSetProp for the "namespace" and
> "schemaLocation" attributes?

  I don't now, all I can tell, is that if you have a default namespace
in scope (xmlns="...") then those xmlSetProp'ed attributes won't inherit
the namespace, get the namespace first and then use xmlSetNsProp()
  That would generate a difference in behaviour between the serialized
and reparsed tree vs. using the tree directly


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
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