Hi, Henri,

Henri Gomez wrote:

> While working on XML-RPC 3.0 integration in some applications, I see
> that the current implementation break compatibility with XML-RPC
> specs, including XML-RPC 1.2/2.0 implementations.
> The implementation say that Date should be coded like this :
> <dateTime.iso8601>    date/time    19980717T14:08:55
> As such you could provide and get back java.util.Date.
> The current implementation make use of Calendar and format Date in form :
> AAAA-MM-JJTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ (ex: 2005-11-21T00:00:00+01:00)
> This bad formating came from the use of XsDateTimeFormat.
> My recommandation will be to restore use of Date in the XML-RPC specs
> format and make Calendar support in extensions.
> If nobody has objections, I'll commit fixes by the end of the week

not so fast. Please let's be careful.

First of all, please let's clearly separate between two completely unrelated

- the question whether java.util.Calendar, or java.util.Date is being
  choosen as the default object type for representing dateTime

- possible problems in the output generated by XsDateTimeFormat

The former point is subject to discussion. As already noticed, we clearly
disagree on that. So I'd expect that you'd at least leave room for
discussion with others. before we conclude, possibly by holding a vote.

For the record: IMO, it is a very severe problem of the official XML-RPC
spec, to forbid the timezone part of xs:dateTime. The discussions on this
mailing list have clearly demonstrated, that simply omitting the timezone is
inappropriate. The main theme for 3.0 is: Be compliant to the spec, if
required, but offer more, if requested. In other words: The possibility to
use an official xs:dateTime string is a serious and very valuable extension.

However, support for any valid xs:dateTime cannot be done with TextFormat.
It simply isn't powerful enough. Hence the decision for XsDateTimeFormat.
There is no problem in adding configuration parameters to this class, if
required. All ws developers (in particular xml-rpc developers) have
sufficient karma to add required changes.


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