Henri Gomez wrote:

> When I saw SPEC I see Date should be used not Calendar.

What Spec? The XML-RPC spec is completely unrelated to Java.

> Using Calendar instead of Date broke link with existing XML-RPC
> implementations, including XML-RPC 1.2 and 2.0 so we should use Date.

Did you read my last suggestion, which should also be able to restore
upwards compatibility?

> Also the format is :
> <dateTime.iso8601>    date/time    19980717T14:08:55
> Nothing like AAAA-MM-JJTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ (ex:
> 2005-11-21T00:00:00+01:00), which is the SOAP date  encoding.
> My patch restore use of java.util.Date as previously and provide
> Calendar as an extension.

Again, the format issue can be resolved within XsDateTimeFormat as well. And
your patch has the disadvantage, that we loose the ability to support the
timezones while extensions are active. Which we should, as John has agreed.


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