On 2015-01-24, Harald Brabenetz wrote:

>> I've moved the shared test resources to a separate repository. This
>> means you need to run "git submodule update --init" once inside your
>> working copies after merging github's master branches of xmlunit or
>> xmlunit.net.

> Thanks, something new for me.
> A little bit like "svn:externals" in svn.

Well, it is not as simple as svn:externals, but I guess the way we use
it in XMLUnit is very similar to externals.

>> I've created a branch in order to experiment with separating the "do we
>> want to stop comparing" functionality from "how severe is this
>> difference".
>> https://github.com/xmlunit/xmlunit/compare/ComparisonController

> looks really great! I can't wait to update the DiffBuilder.

Thanks, I merged the branch.

I'll port it over to .NET and the next bigger step will be experimenting
with a clean implementation for DOMDifferenceEngine, one that doesn't
look as ad hoc.


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