On 6/5/07, "Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't mind the sample clip but here's my idea:
> Add a fresh one from www.jamendo.com for each release. They have tons
> of CC-share alike music some of which is great and it would promote such
> movements further.
> Just my two €-cents
> --
> Andraž "ruskie" Levstik
> Source Mage GNU/Linux Games grimoire guru
> Geek/Hacker/Tinker
> Hacker FAQ: http://www.plethora.net/%7eseebs/faqs/hacker.html
> Be sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth.
> Key id = F4C1F89C
> Key fingerprint = 6FF2 8F20 4C9D DB36 B5B6  F134 884D 72CC F4C1 F89C

When this topic first came up some weeks ago I suggested something similar
to Andraž' idea. My specific suggestion was to use music from kahvi.org.
It's provided in mp3 and vorbis. But what's really important here is a free
music player being shipped with free music using a free codec. Who cares
what the music is or where it comes from? Sham's instant gratification
criteria is satisfied if you play a llama-whipping sound byte or Machinae
Supremacy, but moreover, we're promoting freedom, which is a principle we
should hold fast to in all aspects.

Plus, vorbis is a nice, clean codec that sounds awesome and takes up
negligible space in the tarball. ;)

-Daniel "Puzzles" Chokola
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