On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Ani Joshi wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> >
> > So I recently went out and bought a Radeon 7500 after doing some research
> > and discovering that 2D is already supported in the XFree86 CVS (and that
> > 3D support is likely to come along eventually)...
> The Radeon 7500 has the same 3D pipe as the original Radeon, so you can
> use CVS's radeon drm drivers and it will (should) work fine, does here
> with a 7500 board I have.

Well, I did get an error when I tried to enable DRI.  So I thought I'd
worry about 2D first, 3D second.  But, since you've brought it up:

Symbol xf86RemoveSIGIOHandler from module
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libdrm.a is unresolved!
Symbol xf86InstallSIGIOHandler from module
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libdrm.a is unresolved!

I assume that I can use the exact same kernel driver (2.4.12) that I was
using with my old Radeon, right?

> As for 8500, which introduces a new 3D pipe, I am working on the driver
> nad will finish hopefully soon.

I take it, then, that ATI has been open with the specs? 

> >
> > Unfortunately, I've hit a snag.  I was able to pull the source from CVS
> > and compile without any problems, but things aren't looking quite right
> > :-)
> >
> > http://www.visualtech.com/adam/output.gif
> I'm getting 404 on this page, are you usre this is the right url?

Sorry...  That should be:


Of course, now I have to admit that it's working fine for me.  I haven't
changed anything in my setup under Linux, but in my attempts to get the
card working under Win2K, I *did* adjust some AGP settings in the bios.
Could that have fixed the problem?

Also, I'm not worried about it at the moment, but I will be getting a
digital flat panel for Christmas.  Are they currently supported by the
driver (I know it works with the Radeon VE, but I wasn't sure about the
7500 or 8500).

Thanks :-)


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