On Sat, 27 Oct 2001, Nate Smith wrote:

> Since upgrading to 4.1, I cannot start in multiheaded mode of any kind, 
> and barely starts in Single headed mode, and only then on my lone multisync
> monitor, attached to the 'primary' card (the one with vga enabled).  

I'm trying to build a system with 2 ATI Radeon VE cards (PCI) because we
need 2 *DVI* outputs and a single card only has one. It seems, though,
that we have different problems, since for me it just complains about
"Screen 1 deleted because of no matching configuration" error message. But
you'd pretty much expect two radeons to work, if one works
flawlessly... your case seems even more complicated since you have three
identical devices :-)

i even tried running two X processes, but it seems that running the second
(using a different config file, specifying a unique BusID for the other
card) disables the first adapter. sounds like this behaviour is planned,
or is it a bug?

getting the X running dual-head on a single board seems to be
pretty straightforward. however, if you want to run X on multiple board
(like we do), it seems to get very complicated. especially from the user's
point of view since the user gets weird messages like "screen deleted
because of no matching configuration" although from like 7 years of
experience from configuring XF86, my eyes cannot tell any fault or problem
in my xf86config...

any comments, or suggestions? anything?


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