Em Ter 04 Dez 2001 04:48, Greg Black escreveu:
> Keith Packard wrote:
> | Around 15 o'clock on Dec 4, J Grant wrote:
> | > There are other solutions, i think sites like spamcop.org etc can
> | > provide databases of common spam servers. But this all takes time, and
> | > I believe KeithP has lots better things to do.
> |
> | The spam is just annoying, it's the viruses that get people kicked off
> | the list by management.  Limiting posting to members will reduce spam,
> | but won't eliminate the viruses, unless I also eliminate postings from
> | Outlook...
> I can certainly live with the idea of eliminating Outlook posts.

A bad idea. See, if anyone has a trouble with X and has no way to reach us 
but  by using Outlook? Sure, there are pine, pppd and other console tools, 
but some people don't know how to use it propely. 
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