Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, F. Heitkamp wrote:
>>When I use my PC (running Linux) as an X terminal, to log into the Mac, 
>>I am able to
>>work for hours with no crashes.  Doesn't this raise suspicion that the 
>>problem is in the
>>nv driver?
>   No.  Like I said, I'd be more suspicious of the font render or
>font server.  I don't see that there's anything significantly
>different between the x86 and PPC versions of the "nv" driver.
>There's just some register changes programming big endian 
>primitives rather than little endian ones, and those obviously
>work or it wouldn't be rendering.  I never saw any crashes,
>but I wasn't using a font server and didn't have the freetype
>module installed.
>   You said it crashed.  Do you mean it segfaulted?  Do you have
>a stack trace?
X just stops.  The image of the session remains in the framebuffer but 
no interaction
can take place.  Trying to kill X using the ps command (from a remote 
terminal)  is
 not able to remove X or the image from the screen.  The only way to get 
the console
back is to reboot.  I vaguely remember looking at the log files, and 
seeing nothing
out of the ordinary.

I would be glad to provide more information, if I could (suggestions 


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