On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Markus Schaber wrote:

> Hi,
> [I just posted this on [EMAIL PROTECTED], and was redirected to ask
> here. I subscribed on the list, so no Cc: to my address necessary.]
> We're working on an experimental operating systeme here at the
> university of ulm. (some outdated infos can be found on
> http://www.plurix.de/ - we intend to publish it under an open source
> license as soon as it is "in shape" enough for this.)
> We have rather big problems with getting documentation when trying to
> write our graphics drivers, and so we had the Idea to include binary
> drivers from other platforms by emulating the environment they need.
> Windows is not acceptable (We would have to emulate the Win32k, the
> NToskernel, the HAL and some more, all in all about 2000 API functions
> to get the drivers working), and so we thought about the XFree 4 binary
> interface.

    You're not going to get that to work.  The XFree86 4 driver
interface is very high level.  This allows the driver to replace
large parts of XFree86 functionality, however, for the general case
it doesn't and has a high degree of reliance on helper functions
exported by the core X-server.   It's not the functions so much
as the fact that core server data structures like the ScreenRec are 
accessible by the drivers, allowing the driver to severely modify
X-server behavior in an XFree86-specific way.

   The driver interface is documented in 


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