
Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>     You're not going to get that to work.  The XFree86 4 driver
> interface is very high level.  This allows the driver to replace
> large parts of XFree86 functionality, however, for the general case
> it doesn't and has a high degree of reliance on helper functions
> exported by the core X-server.   It's not the functions so much
> as the fact that core server data structures like the ScreenRec are 
> accessible by the drivers, allowing the driver to severely modify
> X-server behavior in an XFree86-specific way.
>    The driver interface is documented in 
> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/DESIGN.

Thank you for this information, so it seems we can't go this way. (I
currently consider it impossible to port the whole XFree86 to our
operating system, as we don't have anything in common with unix like
OSes (and one can consider e. G. OS/2 unix like compared to plurix).


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