Andy Sparrow wrote:
> > Maybe this could be an alternate solution, can i force X to run on tty1?  So
> > if a Ctrl-Alt-F1 occured nothing would happen since they are already on 1?
> Hmm, actually, I don't see why you couldn't disable all the gettys & run
> [xwgk]dm as a display manager, which will take the first "free" VTY, if none
> is specified.
> So, just run a display manager out of a startup script at boottime, without
> specifying a VTY for it to run on, and it'll start on the first VTY.
> Which, thinking about it, might be why no-one implemented 'DontSwitch'.
> Because it's not necessary - as soon as X is a one-way trip, you may as well
> not have a text mode console at all because you have no way of getting back to
> it once X is running - so don't run a text console, just start a display
> manager instead :)

This will result in no available text consoles, but you can still use
Crtl-Alt-Fn to switch to a blank, unused VT. He doesn't want that to be

I think all that is needed is a simple utility to lock the VT.
The same code would be used in XFree86, but it doesn't need to be
in XFree86 to work:

 ioctl (fd, VT_LOCKSWITCH, 1); /* lock the switch */
 ioctl (fd, VT_UNLOCKSWITCH, 1); /* unlock it again */

Joe Krahn
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