On 14 May 2002, Michel Dänzer wrote:

>> > This is all very well, but i sent patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED] nearly 3 weeks
>> > ago and i've had nothing back apart from an automatic response! does *ANYONE*
>> > read it?
>> There is another list for registered developers to submit patches,
>> and the turn around can be as bad as that, although I would usually
>> expect to see my changes in CVS within 2 weeks.
>You're lucky. Now that Red Hat 7.3 ships 4.2, I get private mail about a
>problem in the r128 and radeon drivers for which I submitted a fix
>(#5199) on March 9th, without any response yet...

Bummer, I didn't see that fix, and so didn't apply it to our 
package.  I've just applied it to my development build however.  

If this was on a public bugzilla tracker on XFree86.org for
example, there's more likelyhood of more widespread
testing/feedback occuring, as well as those interested in the
specific bug being able to opt-in on receiving updates to that
bug report, including good/bad feedback from those who have
tested it and confirmed it to work, or found it to not work.

Distribution maintainers querying for bug reports, could find the 
issue, the patch, the collaborative bug tracking details from 
people who have tried the fix, and can communicate among those 
affected, and other developers working on the issue more readily.

As it is now, to find it, you have to be an XFree86.org member, 
and read every incoming email, hoping not to misplace one, and/or 
exercise your MUA search feature to hopefully find fixes 
submitted by others.  No multi-way communication mechanism is 
really present or easily possible.

>> There are about a handful of people who see these patches,
>> I'm not sure that any of them are paid to work on XFree86,
>> so you are asking a volounteer developer to spend time
>> understanding someone else's patch (including the issues involved)
>> and then do the boring administrative stuff of integrating it.
>> I think code cutting is fun, but I wouldn't enjoy integrating patches.
>There are certainly more interesting things, but I'd be willing to do a
>share if I get a chance.

As would I as time permits.  I think the number of "I would 
too's" present would be large enough to make it quite beneficial 
to the project overall.

Mike A. Harris                  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer              Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com           ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

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