There are four ingredients for a bug tracking system to succeed, as
I see it:

   1. Interest and cooperation from the developer community itself
   2. The machine resources/network to support the system (available; I know
        we have a machine here we could use, if no other, so it
        is a certainty)
   3. Good installation and customization of the system to provide good
      catagorization of bugs (two people have volunteered with this part 
      of the problem, Kurt Wall, and Jeff Waugh (via private mail to me))
   4. Someone (or set of people) to perform bug triage, entering existing 
        bugs initially, and once established, assign initial catagories, 
        mark duplicates, produce statistics as releases near, and 
        eventually cull the database of long fixed bugs.

1) is obviously essential. And 4) is needed to keep the quality up, so
that the developers don't go nuts (for example, what happened to the 
nautilus folks during Gnome 2 development).  Many of the major projects have
serious resources assigned to the triage/catagorization and maintenance
of their bug tracking systems.  So 4) is also key (2, and 3 can be considered
solved problems, IMHO).

3) is a significant amount of work initially, and only a small amount 
ongoing: if things aren't set up well (and tuned), then bug reports are 
hard to deal with and don't go in the right directions.  I gather some
previous attempts were not well done.  I know that Jamey Hicks here spent
a number of days working out this catagorization stuff on the
bugzilla, so this is not just a one day and your done sort of job.

As Mike points out, establishing a transparent system would allow more 
people to actually help on resolving problems.  It is also a way for people 
to get their feet wet on the project (as they do on some of the other 
major projects) by taking bugs, working on fixes, and posting patches. 
Some people even appear to enjoy this sort of work. With the current opaque 
system, there is no way to enlist people into helping with bug fixing.  
Some of the most valuable people in some other projects wander around 
fixing lots, and lots, and lots of bugs.

This would help the scaling issue, I think, which XFree86 faces.

So the outstanding questions are:
1) are the people who do XFree86 developement interested/willing to work
with such a tool?
2) who is willing, if anyone, to become bugmeister and properly deal
with the database?  This is a significant amount of work; one might
argue that the commercial Linux vendors are those with the most to
gain by helping out here.

I think answers to both in the affirmative are necessary before one goes 
any further, and unless the answers our yes, we live with the current system
until there are credible answers.

If this is done, it had better be done well: I gather that previous attempts 
have failed for various reasons, and I think good answers to all four 
questions are essential.

                                        - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company

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