>From: Lukas Molzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is intergrated 
>in Gnome and Kde.)

I think what he means here is resizing the screen *without* going to a
  virtual screensize.  One can resize the screen via keys or via a GUI
  (e.g. wmxres), but the problem is that it's a *virtual* screen then,
  and, instead of acting like a full screen, one scrolls around on the
  larger "virtual" screen.
What would be nice is a way to have X not make the new screen res virtual,
  but actual.  :)
BTW, what Xlib calls are involved to change screen resolution?  I couldn't
  find one in the manpages, so far as I can tell.

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